2015 | Amazon Watch - Page 6
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Amazon Watch Announces New Executive Director

Leila Salazar-López to Lead Environmental and Human Rights Organization

Oakland, CA – Today, the Board of Directors of Amazon Watch announced that Leila Salazar-López will become the new Executive Director of the international environmental and human rights organization effective immediately.

Rising for the Amazon: A Message from Leila Salazar-López, Executive Director

Twenty years ago I traveled to the Ecuadorian Amazon and my life was forever changed. As a volunteer at the Jatún Sacha Biological Station, I learned the basics of tropical ecology and became quickly fascinated by the interconnectedness of all life. I also witnessed the devastation caused by oil spills, firing me up to take action and to design a...

Commonwealth Club to Fête Chevron CEO

The public affairs nonprofit plans to bestow John Watson with its "Distinguished Citizen Award" despite the oil giant's environmentally destructive practices.

East Bay Express | The Commonwealth Club of California is drawing criticism from dozens of environmental and human rights groups from around the globe because of its plans to fête Chevron CEO John Watson and bestow its "Distinguished Citizen Award" on him at its annual fundraising gala this week. The environmental groups have asked the Commonwealth Club to...

Brazil: Mired in Scandal, Refusing to Progress

With Belo Monte's criminal irregularities in the spotlight, one would think the Brazilian government would lay low – perhaps even learn from the current crisis! Unfortunately we I was seeing the opposite here on the jungle jet and throughout the nation.

The Farce of Clean Energy

The construction of mega-dams involves human rights violations and other impacts

O Globo | The construction of mega-dams involves grave human rights violations as well as other disastrous socio-environmental impacts. Belo Monte, for example, was described by Thais Santi, a Federal Prosecutor, as "an indigenous ethnocide in a world where everything is possible" taking place within the rule of law of a democratic state.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Colombian Tribe Scores "Historic" Victory Versus Big Gas

State company Ecopetrol pulls out of drilling site in territories belonging to the indigenous U’wa people

The Guardian | The indigenous U'wa people living in north-east Colombia have won what observers call an "historic" and "decisive" victory after state oil and gas company Ecopetrol dismantled a gas drilling site in their territories.

Bringing Dishonor Upon an Honorary Award

We just found out that the Commonwealth Club of California plans to honor Chevron CEO John Watson as a "distinguished global citizen" who has "given back" to the global community. WHAT?!

Mounting Evidence of Corruption in the Brazilian Dam Industry

Last Sunday millions of citizens in dozens of cities throughout Brazil took to the streets to protests rampant corruption, erroneous economic policies and rollbacks of social benefits. Protestors called for the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, claiming government mismanagement and a possible direct link between the president and an...

Uyantza Raymi and the People of the Zenith

Observing the mountains on a sunny afternoon in the Amazon, my home, I began to reflect on the past few months I have spent on the road as an active voice advocating for the defence of indigenous territories, our rights and the rights of the future generations who have an inherent right to live in a healthy world. We all do.

Organizations Request That the IACHR Strengthen State Obligations to Supervise Corporate Activities That Violate Human Rights

In a hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, they highlighted the opportunities that the Commission has to address the problem through the creation, implementation and strengthening of international standards on business and human rights.

Washington, DC – In a hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, civil society organizations requested that the Commission provide renewed attention to the problem, increasingly experienced in the hemisphere, of human rights violations committed by corporations.

Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement Unites in Defense of Territory

This week hundreds of representatives from five indigenous nationalities came together in a special assembly to defend their Amazon territory from oil, mining, logging, destructive dams and the commodification of nature.

Resistance! Facing Down Goliath Oil Companies

The Achuar and U'wa indigenous peoples have me in awe of the immense power of grassroots resistance in the face of multi-billion dollar corporations. Years after graduating from university, I find myself once again a student. Throughout my tenure at Amazon Watch, I have been honored to "informally apprentice" under our wise and humble indigenous...

Celebrate #InternationalWomensDay!

Amazon Watch is proud to partner with indigenous women from across the Amazon basin to support their work to protect their ancestral territories from oil extraction and destructive mega-dam projects. These women are true leaders in the growing movement to protect the rainforest and all life.

Decolonization and the Munduruku Protocol: It's Time to Listen

The Munduruku Protocol on consultation procedures, published couple of weeks ago and presented to the Brazilian government, is the first protocol of a consultation process proposed by an indigenous nation that I have ever seen. It is very well written, closely following international and national law.

Indigenous Peruvians Win Amazon Pollution Payout from US Oil Giant

Out-of-court settlement ends long legal battle for compensation for deaths, birth defects and environmental damage allegedly caused by Occidental's pollution

The Guardian | Members of the indigenous Achuar tribe from the Peruvian Amazon have won an undisclosed sum from Occidental Petroleum in an out-of-court settlement after a long-running legal battle in the US courts.

Massive Corruption Scandal Implicates Brazil's Amazon Dam Builders

Testimony from jailed operators of Petrobras scandal point to similar corruption scheme involving politicians and major construction firms

Brasilia, Brazil – This week, imprisoned executives from one of Brazil's largest construction firms, who are implicated in an unprecedented corruption scandal involving the parastatal oil company Petrobras, promised to expose a parallel scheme of massive fraud surrounding hydroelectric dams in the Amazon.

What Would Ingrid Do? War and Peace

Indian Country Today | I live in a country which spends a third of my tax dollars on the military, so I do not know actually how peace is found. So say that you wanted peace. How would that work out?

Amazon Deforestation Soars After a Decade of Stability

New Scientist | Deforestation in the Amazon has skyrocketed in the past half a year, according to analysis of satellite images issued by Brazil's non-profit research institute, IMAZON.

2015 Achievements and Priorities

It costs only $.03 per acre per year to support Amazon Watch's work with indigenous peoples to protect more than 60 million acres of rainforest from oil development and mega-dams. Please join us!

Stand-off in the Amazon: Tribes Shut Down Oil Company Airport

Digital Journal | Members of two different Peruvian native groups have occupied the airport of Pluspetrol, an Argentine oil company that is accused of failing to compensate local communities for damage to the environment.

Brazil's Arrested Forest Kingpin Isn't the Only Problem Facing the Amazon

VICE News | "We're concerned that deforestation will continue unabated despite the fact that [Castanha]'s been arrested," Christian Poirier, said the Brazil-EU Advocacy Coordinator for the forest and indigenous rights protection group Amazon Watch. "There've been arrests made. There've been some serious attempts to break up these [deforestation] mafias. But...

Shuar Community Expels the Secretary of Hydrocarbons from Its Territory

CONFENIAE/CONAIE | Over and over again the participants expressed their rejection of oil activity and of the illegitimate free, prior, and informed consultation, and demanded the immediate withdrawal of Secretary of Hydrocarbons' office of information.

Victory! Gas Project in U'wa Territory Dismantled

"The U'wa people would like to inform national and international public opinion that the Magallanes gas exploration block has been completely dismantled. Ecopetrol has removed all the machinery that had been found there in a demonstration of respect for our rights as an indigenous people."

Investor's Eye on the Amazon

In our Winter 2015 issue, we bring you the latest updates and investor risks associated with companies operating or investing in the Amazon region.