2002 | Amazon Watch - Page 7
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All: 2002

Ecuador's Indians Threaten New Protests over Economic Policies

OIL AND GAS JOURNAL WEBSITE Screaming Media | Quito, (EFE) - Ecuadorian Indigenous Peoples Confederation (CONAIE) President Leonidas Iza on Wednesday threatened to stage protests if the government does not change its economic policies and abandon efforts to privatize electricity.

The Bush Oil-igarchy's Pipeline Protection Package

Arianna Huffington | With the stench of Enron growing more acrid each day, you'd think the last thing President Bush would want is to be seen toadying to anotherdeep-pocketed energy giant.Well, you'd be wrong.In a shameless handout to a poor-little-me corporate mendicant, thepresident wants to spend close to $100 m

Indigenous Nations Oppose Ecuador's Ninth Round of Oil Licensing

Quito, Ecuador - To defend their natural heritage and ancestral way of life followed since time immemorial, indigenous communities from the central and southern Ecuadorian Amazon have declared their opposition to oil exploitation in their territories as proposed under the Ecuadorian government's recently announced Ninth Round

Ecuador Pipeline Makes New Enemies

Energy Compass | Opposition to Ecuador's heavy crude oil pipeline (OCP) has been building for10 years.

Kerr-McGee Exits Embattled Ecuador Pipeline

Oil Daily | US independent producer Kerr-McGee will sell its stake in two oil blocks in Ecuador and its share in the embattled OCP heavy crude oil pipeline to small French firm Perenco. Kerr-McGee is exiting Ecuador to concentrate on its operations in the US and the UK.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Environment-Ecuador: Pipeline Project Subject of "Deep Concern"

Inter Press Service | Washington - The World Bank has quietly communicated deep concern to the managers and lenders of a major pipeline project that independent environmental groups have said threatens unique ecosystems in the Ecuadorean highlands.

Activists Claim Win on Ecuador Pipeline

One World US | Environmental activists in Ecuador are claiming a tentative victory in their long fight to prevent the construction of an oil pipeline through one of the world's most pristine bird sanctuaries, the Mindo Namibillo Cloudforest Reserve, high in the Andean mountains in the country's Amazon region.

Ecuador Radio Training Missions

January and October 2002 ACT twice dispatched an expert radio technician to deliver extensive training in radio communication to Amazonian indigenous organizations fighting to prevent the invasion of their pristine forest homelands by multinational oil companies.