Oxy Comes Up Dry in Samore | Amazon Watch
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Oxy Comes Up Dry in Samore

August 3, 2001 | Energy Compass

US Occidental may wonder why it bothered. After spending eight years trying to win approval to drill in the Samore Block in eastern Colombia, it has just halted drilling on the Gibraltar-1 well after failing to find oil. But it says it will retain the block, which estimates had suggested could hold up to 1.5 billion bbl of oil.

Oxy finally began drilling the well last November, in the face of protests from indigenous U’wa Indians, who threatened to commit mass suicide if Oxy started work (EC Nov.24,p11). The dispute provoked an international outcry, creating problems for US presidential candidate Al Gore, who inherited shares in Oxy from his father (EC Aug.18,p11).

Left-wing rebels have meanwhile made Oxy’s life a misery at Cano Limon, Colombia’s second largest field. Production – normally around 120,000 b/d – has been all but paralyzed by guerrilla bombings along the pipeline since mid-February (EC Jul.27,p11).


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