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U'wa Leaders On-Stage at Earth Day - Los Angeles While in Colombia 4,500 Expected in U'wa Tribal Ceremony Honoring the Earth Rare Video Footage of Prayer Ceremony in Colombia Available via Satellite from AP-TV on Saturday

In honor of Earth Day 2000, the U’wa tribe of northern Colombia who have been fighting oil drilling on their sacred lands, will be holding a traditional ceremony in their territory in homage to Mother Earth. In addition, two U'wa leaders will speak on-stage on the Earth Day-Los Angeles at Exposition Park.

Indians Protest Brazil Anniversary

Brasilia, Brazil (AP) - Hundreds of Indians marching in the capitalThursday destroyed a monument commemorating the500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil by Portuguese explorers.Armed with bows and arrows, and wearing traditional war paint, some 400Indians paraded down the main avenues of the

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Hollywood Stars Join U´wa Tribal Leader in Tree Planting Ceremony in Panama

Panama City, Panama - While on location shooting the film adaptation of John le Carré´s "The Tailor of Panama", Director John Boorman (Emerald Forest) along with actors, Pierce Brosnan, Geoffrey Rush, and John Polito joined indigenous leaders from the U´wa People of Colombia and the Kuna People of Panama yesterday in a tre


Cubará, Las autoridades tradicionales del cabildo mayor U`WA, la Asociación ASOU`WA y las Organizaciones Sociales, que estamos movilizados hace 43 días ejerciendo el derecho constitucional a la movilización y la protesta pacífica y quienes bloqueamos la ruta de la Soberanía en el Municipio de Cubará Boyacá, en

U'wa Communiqué

Cubará The Traditional Authories of the U'wa People, the Asssociation ASOU"WA and the social organizations that have been mobilized for the last 43 days exercising our constitutional rights to assembly and peaceful protest and those of us who have blocked the road to Soberanía in the Cubará Boyacá, in defense of our

Thousands of U'was and Supporters Resume Blockades English translation of U'wa Communique

As a result of the recent events that have occurred in U'wa territory, due to the violent military and police intervention, that in past days took the lives or three of our children and resulted in the disappearance of five indigenous brothers, demonstrations of solidarity for our community have continued to grow.

Colombian Police Attack Peaceful U'wa Blockade Three U'wa Children Killed - U'wa Reserve Militarized Oxy and Colombian Government Urged to Suspend Operations

Cubara, Colombia - Dangerously escalating an already tense situation, Colombian National Police today brutally attacked a group of 450 peaceful U'wa protesters on a road near Las Canoas, approximately 4 kilometers from Gibraltar 1, site of the Occidental Petroleum's proposed oil well in Northeast Colombia.

Environmentalists Put the Spotlight on Fidelity Investments Investment Giant Urged to Put Pressure on Occidental Petroleum Oxy Moves in Equipment on U’wa Tribal Lands in Colombia

B-roll on the U’wa Situation available via satellite feed On Galaxy 6, Transponder 22 Vertical 41-40 At E.S.T 13:00-13:30 and 17:00-17:30 for info call: Dana Polk or Kasia Grisso, 415-255-1946What: Environmental leaders rally at Fidelity Investments When: TODAY, Thursday, February 3, 2000, 11:30 AM

Two Activists Impersonating Al Gore and Oxy CEO Arrested for Disrupting Company-Sponsored "Environmental" Conference Gore Urged to Divest from Oxy

Santa Barbara, California - Two UC Santa Barbara students dressed as Vice President Al Gore and Occidental Petroleum CEO were arrested and hauled away by Santa Barbara Police today after disrupting the World Environment Center' s conference where Oxy officials were showcasing the company's environmental policies.

Communique to the National and International Public:

1. We denounce the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) for the various actions that they have carried out against the U'wa people; such as armed intimidation against indigenous inhabitants of our communities in past months; the machine-gun fire attack on Mr.

El Pueblo Indigena U´WA de los Departamentos de Boyaca, Santander, Norte de Santander, Arauca y Casanare, Denunciamos Ante la Opinion Publica Nacional e Internacional

A las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) por las diferentes acciones que ha venido adelantando contra el pueblo indígena U´wa, como son, la intimidación armada realizadas contra indígenas moradores de nuestras comunidades en meses anteriores, como es el ametrallamiento de la vivienda del señor Carlos Tegr