Uwa | Amazon Watch - Page 5
Amazon Watch


Colombian Indigenous Face Imminent Extinction

Indian Country Today | They didn't mince words. In the conclusion of the seven-page summary report of Sept. 29, a group of international activists and diplomats stated in plain language what they were predicting for Native communities in Colombia.

The U’wa Reject Consultation Process and Ecopetrol’s Oil Project on Their Reserve in Colombia Tribe Presents Historic Land Titles from the Spanish Crown Granting Legal Ownership Including Sub-surface Rights and Calls for Cancellation of Oil Project

Boyaca, Colombia – The U’wa nation has rejected a call from the Colombian government to participate in a “prior consultation” process about an oil project on their cloudforest homelands and is calling for the cancellation of Ecopetrol’s Siriri/Catleya oil project.

U'wa Reject Ecopetrol's Oil Project on Their Reserve in Colombia, Amazon Watch Reports

PRNewswire | Tribe Presents Historic Land Titles Granting Legal Ownership Including Sub-surface RightsBOYACA, Colombia - The U'wa nation has rejected a call from the Colombian government to participate in a "prior consultation" about the Siriri/Catleya oil project on their cloudforest homelands and is calling for its cancell

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


MIV Report on Arauca

International Verification Mission on the Human Rights and Humanitarian Situation for Indigenous People in Colombia Verification Commission to AraucaThe verification commission responsible for visiting eastern Colombia was made up of representatives from Inter Pares (Canada), CONAIE (Ecuador), Sarayaku Del

MIV Report on Cauca

REPORT OF THE DELEGATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL VERIFICATION MISSION TO THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF CAUCASEPTEMBER 21-23, 2006The International Verification Mission was made up of four delegations from different countries, individuals, and international and national nongovernmental organizations.

MIV Report on Guaviare

International Verification Mission on the Human Rights and Humanitarian Situation for Indigenous Peoples in Colombia Report from the Commission to Guaviare27 September, 2006During the visit the commission met with members from Nukak-Makú and Guayabero communities, representatives from the Colombian govern

MIV Report on Tierra Atla

International Verification Mission of the Humanitarian and Human Rights Situation of the Embera Katio Indigenous Peoples in Tierra Alta, CórdobaIntroductionAs past of the International Verification Mission, a group of seven international delegates, representatives of NGOs from Spain, France, Belgium, Canada, an

MIV Report on Sierra Nevada

International Verification Mission on the Human Rights and Humanitarian Situation for Indigenous People in Colombia Report from the Commission to the Sierra Nevada region September 21 - 23, 2006The International Verification Mission (MIV), which visited Indigenous Peoples in the Sierra Nevada Region o

Indígenas U´wa, Entre el Petróleo y la Guerra

Caracol Radio | El conflicto armado y la explotación petrolera presionan la situación de indígenas U´wa en Arauca denuncia Misión Internacional que vista el país."Hay muchos pueblos que están en alto riesgo por la violencia del conflicto armado que esta afectando su territorio, su cultura y su manera de vivir, pero lo pr

The Current Status of the American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

The OAS Permanent Council Working Group to Prepare the Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples will be holding another round of meetings of negotiation in the quest for points of consensus. The last meeting, the Seventh in the series, took place in Brasilia, Brazil between March 21 - 25, 2006.


“The U'wa people, by the power we have held for thousands of years, feel ourselves compelled to call out to the world. Understand that the strength of our power is with our words. We, the U'wa, are nonviolent people. Our power is our instinctive respect and spiritual consciousness.

Oil Discovery Hardly Has Policy's Critics Gushing

The Miami Herald | Bogota - With the nation's proven oil reserves continuing to fall, investment and exploration sagging and sabotage from a 40-year old civil war enduring, the Colombian government and its oil company, Ecopetrol, have beendesperate to ballyhoo any find, small though it may be."Ecopetrol bet and won," the Ministry o

U'wa Communique to the National and International Public Opinion

In the year 2001, the U.S. based multinational oil company Occidental of Colombia, OXY, acknowledged publicly the discouraging results to its much anticipated oil bonanza of Gilbraltar 1, in sacred U'WA territory.Today, the Colombian state oil company ECOPETROL continues the work that OXY started.

BOLETIN INFORMATIVO - Resguardo Indígena Unido U’wa, Cubará (Boyacá)

ECOPETROL en el año 1.985 inicia actividades petroleras en territorio ancestral U’wa con el proyecto de explotación en Caño Limón (Arauca), la construcción del oleoducto Caño Limón Coveñas, y la construcción de la Estación de bombeo en territorio de la comunidad indígena de Tamarana”Sutota” en el corr

U'wa Communique

Cubara, Colombia - The U’wa People, Children of God, Children of our Mother Earth, Lovers of the Natural World and of the SpiritsThe U’wa people are tired of the proliferation of false promises that the Colombian government has made to us.

WOLA Report - Protecting the Pipeline: The U.S. Military Mission Expands

The U.S. government has recently provided $99 million to help protect an oil pipeline in Colombia. The Bush administration’s request for fiscal year 2004 includes an undetermined amount, up to $147 million, to provide munitions, equipment, and training in order to continue the program.

Colombian Government Might Retract Oil 'Discovery' Claim

Dow Jones Business News | Bogota - Less than a month after the Colombian government cockily announced it found high-quality crude oil - possibly 200 million barrels - at its Gibraltar well, negative follow-up tests have officials ready to choke down a crow dinner.