Solaris Resources | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

Solaris Resources

Unmasking the Environmental and Human Rights Threats of Canadian Corporations

Despite its promises, Canada rejects key recommendations on the framework of the Universal Periodic Review and remains a threat to human rights and the environment

Contrary to upholding Indigenous rights, Canada rejected crucial recommendations regarding the regulation of its companies operating in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Indigenous Peoples Reject Canadian Copper Mining Project in Ecuadorian Amazon

Solaris Resources faces rising risk as new Shuar Arutam leadership denounces company ahead of Annual General Meeting

"Mining 'development' is a myth. It is ravaging communities and Ecuador’s unique ecosystems. People have had enough. We are putting companies and investors on notice that they are not welcome in our territories, and we defend our rights.”

Women Defenders for Territories Free of Mining!

Celebrate International Women's Day by meeting defenders on the front lines of the Mining Out of the Amazon movement

Across the Amazon Basin, women are organizing in defense of life, rights, and territories, and are a critical part of the front lines movement resisting increasing threats such as mining.

New Research Exposes Rights Violations and Financial Risks with Solaris Resources Mining in Ecuador

Assessment warns investors of mining risk in Ecuador as government touts country as "world’s next mining destination" at international mining convention

Amazon Watch released new research today that exposes the social, cultural, and human rights impacts related to Solaris Resources Inc.'s Ecuador mining operations, and the consequential environmental, business, and political risks faced by the company, its investors, and the mining sector writ large. According to the research, investors should be...

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.