Plan Colombia | Amazon Watch
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Plan Colombia

U'wa Defense Project Fall 2007 Newsletter

The threat against U’wa self-determination is rapidly reaching a crisis point. Colombia’s state oil company, Ecopetrol, stepped in when U.S.-based Occidental Petroleum announced in 2002 that they had abandoned their efforts to drill on U’wa territory... DOWNLOAD THE ENTIRE NEWSLETTER BELOW.

U.S. Troops Answered Oil Firm's Pleas

The Los Angeles Times | Washington - In the spring of 2001, the president of Occidental Petroleum's Colombian operations made a private visit to the fortress-like U.S. Embassy in Bogota to plead for help.A bombing campaign by leftist rebels had nearly shut down Oxy's Caño Limon oilfield in eastern Arauca province.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Colombia: Another US War for Oil?

Protest outside Occidental Petroleum's Annual Shareholder Meeting- Friday, April 25, 8:30 am- The St.

Civil Conflict and Indigenous Peoples in Colombia

After forty years of civil war, Colombia is sliding ever deeper into conflict. The recent collapse of the peace process has set a new wave of violence in motion. The brutal tactics of paramilitary groups, leftist guerrillas, security forces, and drug traffickers result in the violent deaths of almost 20 Colombians every day.

Colombia Update

Dear Friends:The Colombian conflict took a frightening turn yesterday when the 3-year-old peace talks between the Colombian armed forces and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) broke down.