Occidental Petroleum | Amazon Watch - Page 12
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Occidental Petroleum

U'wa Communiqué

Cubará The Traditional Authories of the U'wa People, the Asssociation ASOU"WA and the social organizations that have been mobilized for the last 43 days exercising our constitutional rights to assembly and peaceful protest and those of us who have blocked the road to Soberanía in the Cubará Boyacá, in defense of our


Cubará, Las autoridades tradicionales del cabildo mayor U`WA, la Asociación ASOU`WA y las Organizaciones Sociales, que estamos movilizados hace 43 días ejerciendo el derecho constitucional a la movilización y la protesta pacífica y quienes bloqueamos la ruta de la Soberanía en el Municipio de Cubará Boyacá, en

Colombia Oil Site Ruled 'Off-Limits' to Oxy

Yahoo | A Colombian court has ordered Occidental Petroleum Corp (NYSE:OXY - news) to halt all work on a promising oil site that the country's native U'wa tribe claims as part of their ancestral lands, authorities said Friday.Alberto Calderon, president of state oil company Ecopetrol, said the court injunction was handed down T

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Occidental's Moves Have Generated a Firestorm of Protest in Environmental Circles

The Industry Standard | San Francisco - It's one of the richest ironies of the 2000 presidential race. Despite running a Teflon primary campaign, probable Democratic nominee Al Gore (news - web sites), a published environmental crusader, has found himself repeatedly attacked for his links to Occidental Petroleum.

Gore Campaign Stumbles over Threat to Tribe

THE TIMES [London] | Mr Gore has refused to answer environmentalists' calls to intercede or to talk to the press about the U'wa case.

Questioning Gore's Integrity

ABC News Internet | Los Angeles — Al Gore says he’s the environmental candidate. He wrote a best-selling book on it, and it’s a central part of his presidential campaign. “I will not let you down,” stated Gore when he spoke at the League of Conservation Voters in New York on Feb. 24.

Thousands of U'was and Supporters Resume Blockades English translation of U'wa Communique

As a result of the recent events that have occurred in U'wa territory, due to the violent military and police intervention, that in past days took the lives or three of our children and resulted in the disappearance of five indigenous brothers, demonstrations of solidarity for our community have continued to grow.

Colombian Police Attack Peaceful U'wa Blockade Three U'wa Children Killed - U'wa Reserve Militarized Oxy and Colombian Government Urged to Suspend Operations

Cubara, Colombia - Dangerously escalating an already tense situation, Colombian National Police today brutally attacked a group of 450 peaceful U'wa protesters on a road near Las Canoas, approximately 4 kilometers from Gibraltar 1, site of the Occidental Petroleum's proposed oil well in Northeast Colombia.

Battle for the Sacred Oil

The Guardian | The U'wa tribe of Colombia is remote, little studied, less visited and, until recently, barely registered on the barometer of western or even local Colombian awareness. But in the past two years its fight with Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) has become an international cause celebre.

Fidelity a Target in Oil Protest

Boston Globe | Environmental and human rights groups yesterday demonstrated outside Fidelity Investments offices in Boston and 19 other cities to protest the mutual fund company's stake in Occidental Petroleum Corp., which plans to drill for oil on land claimed by the U'wa Indians in Colombia.

Groups Protest Fidelity over Oil Drilling in Colombia

The Associated Press | About 80 protestors waved placards and banners outside Fidelity Investments to protest the mutual fund company's holdings in a company that plans to drill for oil in Colombia.

Protesters Target Fidelity in Dispute over Oil Drilling

The Boston Herald | Housewife Kathy Kerridge opened her first individual retirement account with Fidelity Investments in 1987 and now owns shares in various mutual funds run by the industry's largest firm.But the mother of two said yesterday that she may consider pulling her money out if Fidelity doesn't act soon to pressure the Occidenta

Webs of Influence

The New York Times Company | Al Gore believes his role in streamlining the federal bureaucracy was one of his major achievements as vice president. The sale at auction of the huge, government-owned Elk Hills oil field in Bakersfield, Calif., to the Occidental Petroleum Company grew out of that effort. The winning bid was $3.65 billion.