ConocoPhillips | Amazon Watch - Page 3
Amazon Watch


Makuma - Morona Santiago Ministerial Agreement N° 2881 - of December 27, 1996

The Inter-Federation coordinating body announces to the national and international public the tragic loss of our friends and colleagues Joaquin Najamdey, President of FIPSE, Rodrigo Wampankit, Parliamentarian of FIPSE and Samuel Wampankit Head of Territorial Affairs of FIPSE.

CDES Requests an Investigation into the Deaths of Shuar Leaders in an Air Accident

The Center for Social and Economic Rights, CDES, demands an immediate and transparent investigation into a tragic plane crash in the Ecuadorian Amazon which caused the deaths of 3 high level leaders of the Shuar people who were engaged in the lawsuit that the Shuar are bringing against the oil company Burlington on grounds of