Cofan | Amazon Watch - Page 4
Amazon Watch


Advocacy Groups Blast Chevron for Retaliation Tactics Against Ecuador Villagers and Their Supporters

U.S. legal advocate for Ecuadorians announces crack appellate team as final briefs are filed in Chevron's Retaliatory RICO Case

Washington, DC – More than 40 U.S. civil society groups are coming to the defense of the Ecuadorian indigenous and farmer communities who won a historic environmental lawsuit against Chevron but have been subject to vicious retaliatory attacks by the oil company, according to a letter released today.

Edgy Satire Blasts Chevron over Ecuador Case

Oakland, CA – Today Amazon Watch released an edgy satire created by Pulitzer-winning animator Mark Fiore blasting Chevron's unprecedented tactics to avoid responsibility for its admitted acts of environmental destruction in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Shut It, You Long-Haired Hippie

An "anti-public service" message from Donny Rico

Donny Rico here to deliver a message to all you long-haired hippie activist types complaining about the environment and human rights. Be warned: things have changed in America and you need to keep your mouths shut.

Prominent Organizations Publicly Condemn Chevron's Actions in Ecuador Case

Oakland, CA – Today, a dozen prominent environmental and human rights organizations including Amazon Watch, the Sierra Club, and Food and Water Watch issued a public letter condemning Chevron's actions in its decades-long legal battle to evade responsibility for deliberately dumping billions of gallons of toxic wastewater into the...

Could Hell Be Starting to Freeze Over in Canada?

"This order will allow us the opportunity to hold Chevron accountable for fleeing the scene of its environmental crimes in Ecuador after a valid judgment was entered against it," said Fajardo, lead lawyer for the communities.

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Canada Orders Enforcement Action to Proceed Against Chevron in Ecuador Pollution Case

Toronto, Canada – Indigenous and farmer communities in Ecuador scored a major victory over Chevron today when an Ontario appeals court ruled they have the right to pursue enforcement of a $9.5 billion Ecuadorian court judgment against Chevron's assets in Canada. "After all these years, the Ecuadorian plaintiffs deserve to have the...

The Truth Has No Place in Kaplan's Court

How on Earth could this unlikely and significant victory be so ridiculously, unethically and illegally turned on its head and evolve into the shocking display that just played out in a US Federal Court?

Through the Looking Glass in Chevron's Kangaroo Court

Try to imagine an Ecuadorian oil company submerging Alabama in toxic wastewater and then when the people of Alabama successfully sued the company to pay for a cleanup, a random judge in Ecuador declares the verdict invalid.

Ecuadorian Court Upholds $9 Billion Judgment Against Chevron

Meanwhile NY judge and Chevron team up to intimidate witnesses and lawyers in desperate retaliatory lawsuit

Quito, Ecuador – In a major setback for Chevron, the Ecuadorian National Court issued its long-awaited decision in favor of a $9 billion pollution judgment against Chevron upholding and affirming lower court rulings. The court's decision is final.

How Responsible is Business for Social Responsibility?

This week BSR severely tarnished its image by inviting Brazilian mining company Vale to present on a panel entitled, "Voices of Rights Holders in the Extractives Industry." This is like inviting the CIA to a panel on the rights of torture victims.

You Get What You Pay for (Perjury, in This Case)

Having virtually all the money in the world often means you can buy silence, time, and lies. This time Chevron has bought a bag of lies from a thoroughly disreputable source, and they aren't able to hide the price tag.

Servio Curipoma: Holding Chevron Accountable

After losing both his parents and a sister to cancer, Servio Curipoma has become a relentless voice for his community, demanding that Chevron take responsibility for the contamination that wreaked havoc on his family.

Chevron Retaliation Trial Opens Against Victims of Pollution in Ecuador

Protestors rally for justice in Ecuador; Decry Chevron’s abuses

New York, NY – Tomorrow (Tuesday) Ecuadorian villagers from the Amazon rainforest region ravaged by Chevron's oil contamination will join supporters for a large rally in Foley Square across from the courthouse where a trial will open in the California-based oil giant's retaliatory RICO lawsuit against the Ecuadorians and their U.S. based...

Whose First Amendment Rights Are These Anyway?

EarthRights International | Chevron's multifaceted crusade against environmental and human rights activists and lawyers provides a deeply problematic blueprint other companies may be tempted to mimic to strike back against critics.

Chevron Cozies Up with Judge, Censors Blog

In another baldfaced example of bias, Judge Kaplan is letting Chevron maintain "confidential" a series of damning internal videos that prove the company committed a massive fraud in Ecuador by hiding evidence of contamination.

Karmic Justice: Chevron CEO Deposed

Twelve years ago Amazon Watch's Atossa Soltani and affected communities in Ecuador urged Chevron not to purchase Texaco. Leading the charge to buy Texaco was John Watson, who is now Chevron's CEO.

Ecuador's Challenges with Oil Development

Pachamama Alliance | Oil spills in Ecuador are anything but unusual. May’s spill is just one of many that occur on a regular basis, adding up to an enormous amount of oil spilled over the years.

Accompanying Servio to Chevron's "Alternate Reality"

I can't think of a better term to describe the world that the Chevron board and CEO are living in than "alternate reality." It certainly must seem that way to Servio Curipoma, who traveled from the Ecuadorian Amazon to confront them.

Forget WallyWorld, at Chevron They Live in WatsonWorld

While hundreds protested outside the 2013 Chevron Annual Shareholder Meeting holding the largest "pink slip" you've even seen, inside John Watson demonstrated that he is completely divorced from reality

Servio Returns to Hand Watson a Pink Slip

Two years ago Ecuadorian farmer Servio Curipoma left his rainforest home and traveled thousands of miles to bring his story to the US. This month he returns to demand that Chevron's CEO resign.

Oil Demand Threatens Ecuador's Rainforest

Up to 8 million acres of pristine Ecuadorian rainforest is under threat by a new plan to drill for oil. A local tribe vows to fight to protect their land.

NBC Nightly News | The Wauroni tribes, who live in the forests of Ecuador, are getting ready to challenge the Ecuadorian government’s plan to sell as much as 8 million acres of rainforest for oil drilling, saying they are prepared to fight to the death to protect the land.

Visiting Yawepare and Clean Water for the Amazon

ClearWater is a community-based project that is providing clean water drinking systems to hundreds of affected families among the indigenous nationalities in this oil-affected region.

We Beat Chevron, but the Fight for Real Justice Continues

At one point or another every social justice activist wakes up wondering if we stand a chance against the massive forces acting against us. This week, my faith in justice was given a boost when we won a major victory against Chevron.

Chevron's Kangaroo Court: Citizens United on Steroids

President Correa is no stranger to hyperbole, but in this he is right on the mark: "It's the end of sovereignty, the end of our independence; we have become colonies with these rulings from international courts."