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Eye on the Amazon

In 2024, Anti-Chevron Day Has Become Anti-Chevron Month

With too many human rights violations to recognize in just one day, Chevron faces ever-growing opposition on the eve of its annual meeting

On any list of worst corporate actors concerning human rights, the environment, accountability, transparency, and governance, Chevron consistently ranks at or near the top.

Oil Debt: Financing Amazon Destruction

A new documentary highlights the efforts of the Achuar, Wampís, and Chapra nations from the Peruvian Amazon against state-run oil company Petroperú and its financiers

The 2024 Banking on Climate Chaos report is the most comprehensive analysis of the financial institutions backing the fossil fuel industry and the policies of the world’s 60 largest banks enabling this financing.

Ecuadorians Vote to Strengthen Security and Reject Neoliberal Economic Reforms

Ballot measures proposing a return to international arbitration mechanisms and that weaken labor laws lose by wide margin

Ecuadorian voters sent a clear message to President Daniel Noboa on Sunday, in the country’s second referendum vote in under a year: they want security, but they saw through his attempt to sneak through right-wing economic reforms.

Mounting Resistance to the Ferrogrão Railway in the Brazilian Amazon

An unprecedented popular alliance is fighting to prevent the progress of a disastrous Amazonian mega-project

As the world turns its eyes to Brazil for next year’s critical COP30 climate summit, the future of the Amazon and its peoples stand at a dangerous crossroads as Brazilian agribusiness and global commodity traders attempt to drive a mega-railway through it.

28 Months Later: Aftermath of a Massacre in the Colombian Amazon

Following the government killing of a Kichwa Indigenous leader, his successor organizes for justice and reparations for their community

Deep in the Colombian Amazon, the Indigenous community of Lower Remanso is fighting for truth, justice, and reparations. Two years ago, their leader was one of several civilians killed by the Colombian army.

Shuar Arutam People Notch Major Wins Against Amazon Mining in March

In a span of only three weeks, the PSHA launch a series of successful actions at a local, national, and international level to reaffirm their opposition against Solaris Resources’ Warintza project

The past month saw significant victories for the Shuar, turning the tide against Canadian mining company Solaris Resources.