Eye on the Amazon: The Official Blog of Amazon Watch | Amazon Watch - Page 93
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Eye on the Amazon

Mining Giant Joins Belo Monte Dam

International Rivers | The world's second-largest mining corporation, Vale, has stepped into one of the world's most controversial dams: Belo Monte. They are banking on the hope that the electricity from so-called "clean" dams can help power a record expansion of dirty mining in the Amazon.

A Battle Brews Over Ecuador's New Drilling Plans

Indigenous leaders and community representatives launched a new grassroots effort to stop what could be the largest wholesale auction of rainforest and indigenous lands in recent Ecuador history.

World Leaders Urge You to Take Action for the Amazon!

An Earth Day message from Atossa Soltani

In honor of Earth Day, please watch this short video and take action to defend the Xingu River basin. The Brazilian government is pushing for Belo Monte Dam construction to begin.

Gulf Spill, One Year Later

A War Against Forgetting

SFGate City Brights | The relentless pursuit of oil has reached the remote Peruvian Amazon. On "No Drill Day", stand with the Achuar to defend their way of life under threat by yet another oil company, Canada's Talisman Energy.

From Amazon to Zealand

Brazilian oil interests go global, stirring conflicts with Maori indigenous communities.

Last June, New Zealand‘s government announced a contract with Petrobras for a huge off-shore gas exploration concession. This was a shocker for coastal Maori communities, who were hearing about the deal for the first time.

Dark Clouds Over the Xingu River

As mitigation projects intended to stave off the worst of the dam's impacts languish, even supporters have begun to question whether its planners have any intention to soften the coming socio-environmental disaster that is Belo Monte.

Peru's Upcoming Election

The stage is set for a very close election, especially given that in the past over a quarter of the population has changed its preference right before the final vote. What's at stake for the Amazon region and its indigenous inhabitants?

The Freest People

Protecting the Last Indigenous Groups in Voluntary Isolation

"Hidden tribes of the Amazon", "free peoples", "uncontacted tribes", "indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation." While society is quick to cast labels, in most cases their true name is known only amongst members of their group.