2008 | Amazon Watch - Page 6
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Peruvian Amazonian Leader Tells Bidders Indigenous Peoples Will Oppose Drilling on their Lands Oil Executives Applaud Surprise Speech at Houston Concession Expo

Interviews, photos and B-Roll footage from Amazon available on request.Houston – Oil company executives considering bidding for controversial concessions in the Peruvian Amazon today applauded an indigenous leader who had traveled from the rainforest to warn them not to enter community land.Robert Guimaraes, V

Denuncian Venta de Concesiones de Petróleo de Reservas Indígenas Robert Guimaraes, vicepresidente de la AIDESEP, manifestó en un comunicado que, además del gobierno, también exigirá explicaciones a Petroperú

El Comercio | Washington (EFE)- Líderes indígenas de la amazonía peruana denunciaron que el Gobierno peruano ha vendido concesiones de petróleo de las reservas indígenas, informó hoy la Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP).

ENVIRONMENT-PERU: "For Sale" Signs in Amazon Jungle

IPS-Inter Press Service | LIMA, Feb 5 (IPS) - The Peruvian Congress plans this week to debate a draft law pushed by the government that would authorise the sale of vast tracts of deforested, uncultivated land in the Amazon jungle to private companies that invest in "reforestation" efforts.But critics say there is no land registry showing which

City of Berkeley Votes to Boycott Chevron Resolution Cites Controversial Human Rights Record and “Severe Ecological Destruction” in Amazon Rainforest

San Francisco – Berkeley City Council is to boycott Chevron products and services, citing the San Ramon-based oil major's controversial global environmental and human rights record.The authority adopted a resolution on January 29, mandating that it "cease all purchases from Chevron" as a result of the corporation’s

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Human Rights and Environmental Groups Warn Perenco: You are Inheriting a Potential Disaster in Peru Amazon Watch and Save America’s Forests tell oil company of high risk in Peru’s “Block 67” Concession

Washington, DC – Human rights and environmental groups have warned oil conglomerate Perenco that its acquisition of Barrett Resources (Peru) LLC will bring the company substantial commercial and reputational risks.With the takeover, Perenco has acquired hydrocarbon “rights” to a concession known as Block 67.

Resolución de Pueblos Indígenas sobre la IIRSA

COORDINADORA ANDINA DE ORGANIZACIONES INDÍGENAS - C A O IBolivia, Ecuador, Perú, Colombia, Argentina, Chile Resolución de Pueblos Indígenas sobre la IIRSA A las comunidades y pueblos indígenas del Abya YalaA los movimientos solidarios del mundoA Lula da Silva, Presidente del Bras

LO QUE NECESITA NUESTRO MEDIO AMBIENTE Las prioridades del nuevo ministerio

El Comercio | Diseñar un ministerio supone tener claro qué se quiere obtener de él y no perder de vista cuál es la causa de su origen.Su nacimiento se debe a que necesitamos una autoridad ambiental confiable, con legitimidad y eficacia en la gestión y protección ambiental.

El Gas Natural Aseguraría el Consumo Interno Por Cuatro Años y No Por 40

El Comercio | El ex ministro de Energía y Minas Carlos Herrera advirtió hoy que se debe tener mucho cuidado con las expectativas que se crean respecto a los dos trillones de pies cúbicos de gas natural descubiertos en el Lote 57, del Cusco, pues en un escenario proyectado en el tiempo esta reserva abastecería el consumo interno solo po