2000 | Amazon Watch - Page 5
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Two Activists Impersonating Al Gore and Oxy CEO Arrested for Disrupting Company-Sponsored "Environmental" Conference Gore Urged to Divest from Oxy

Santa Barbara, California - Two UC Santa Barbara students dressed as Vice President Al Gore and Occidental Petroleum CEO were arrested and hauled away by Santa Barbara Police today after disrupting the World Environment Center' s conference where Oxy officials were showcasing the company's environmental policies.

El Pueblo Indigena U´WA de los Departamentos de Boyaca, Santander, Norte de Santander, Arauca y Casanare, Denunciamos Ante la Opinion Publica Nacional e Internacional

A las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) por las diferentes acciones que ha venido adelantando contra el pueblo indígena U´wa, como son, la intimidación armada realizadas contra indígenas moradores de nuestras comunidades en meses anteriores, como es el ametrallamiento de la vivienda del señor Carlos Tegr

Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.


Communique to the National and International Public:

1. We denounce the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) for the various actions that they have carried out against the U'wa people; such as armed intimidation against indigenous inhabitants of our communities in past months; the machine-gun fire attack on Mr.

Drilling for Trouble: Should Gore Stop Oxy?

Time Magazine | TIME Notebook: The Veep faces pressure to stop Occidental Petroleum from drilling on Indian lands in Colombia When President Clinton proposed giving $1.6 billion in military aid to fight drug lords in Colombia last week, he probably never thought of the U'Wa Indians.

URGENTE Comunicado a la Opinion Publica Nacional e Internacional la OXY Invade Territorio U´WA el Ejercito de Colombia con 5000 Efectivos al Servicio de la Occidental

El día 19 de enero del 2000, mas de 5000 efectivos de las Fuerzas militares del ejercito colombiano, fuertemente armados, invadieron nuestro territorio tradicional, exactamente en el sitio Cedeño, donde se encuentra ubicado el punto de perforación petrolera Pozo Gibraltar 1, de la empresa Occidental, OXY.Frent

Gore Attacked over Colombia Oil Project

The Financial Times. | Environmentalists and human rights activists are accusing Al Gore, the US vice-president and candidate for the Democratic party presidential nomination, of hypocrisy over his shareholding in an oil company prospecting in Colombian rainforests.

Gas Line Draws Protests Nature Groups Cite U.S. Role

The Miami Hearld | Santa Cruz, Bolivia - In violation of Clinton administration policies,U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used to finance a gas pipeline through aglobally rare forest ecosystem, environmental groups say. U.S.

Colombia Indians to Fight Occidental Oil Plans with Lives

The Washington Times | Bogota - The U'wa Indians of northeastern Colombia say the government will have to kill every last member of their tribe before they allow California-based Occidental Petroleum Corp.

When Politicians' Acts Benefit Benefactors

Inquirer Washington Bureau | Washington - It was part of Vice President Gore's plan to streamline and "reinvent" government: Sell off a 47,000-acre oil field in Southern California. The taxpayers would benefit.But so did one company: Occidental Petroleum, which eventually bought the land through competitive bidding in 1997.