Position and Recommendations Presented by Various Peruvian Civil Society Organizations to the IADB, The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and the Export - Import Bank as Potential Financiers of the Camisea Project. | Amazon Watch
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Position and Recommendations Presented by Various Peruvian Civil Society Organizations to the IADB, The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and the Export – Import Bank as Potential Financiers of the Camisea Project.

July 2, 2003 | Report

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The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), through its Private Sector department (PRI), the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), and the Export-Import- Bank, are
considering the possibility of financing, respectively, the Project “System of Transportation of Camisea’s Natural Gas and Gas Liquids to Lima,” led by the company Transporter of Gas of Peru – Transportadora del Gas del Perú (TGP), in addition to the upstream component of the project that includes the development of the gas fields by the consortium led by Pluspetrol; and the distribution of gas in Lima and Callao by the company Natural Gas of Lima and Callao owned by Tractebel, which belongs to the French group Suez.

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