Celebrate #InternationalWomensDay! | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

Celebrate #InternationalWomensDay!

March 8, 2015 | Eye on the Amazon

Puwaanch Kintui Antich, a proud mother and farmer from Achuar territory in the Peruvian Amazon.

Amazon Watch is proud to partner with indigenous women from across the Amazon basin to support their work to protect their ancestral territories from oil extraction and destructive mega-dam projects. These women are true leaders in the growing movement to protect the rainforest and all life.

“When women decide to do something – when we are firm and radical – we will be successful and make it happen! Everywhere on the planet, we have such a powerful impact.”Patricia Gualinga, Indigenous Kichwa leader from Sarayaku, Ecuador

As in other developing countries, women in the Amazon bear a disproportional burden as threats like oil extraction, mega-dams and climate change impacts their traditional territories and environment. It is in the daily lives of these women – who are highly dependent on local natural resources for their livelihood – that the battle to save the family, traditional ways of life and the future of their children is played out.

And they are standing up for their rights, for the rights of nature, for future generations and for a better planet for us all! These brave women are rising to become effective agents of change, and have taken the lead in a rapidly growing movement to protect their rainforest homelands across the Amazon basin. As female givers of life, the women of the Amazon have felt a great responsibility to lead the struggles against the destruction of Pachamama, our “life giving Mother Earth.” These women and girls are true forces of nature, rising against great odds to lead the charge in the Amazon and for our global climate in unprecedented ways.

In honor of International Women’s Day, please join us in celebrating the efforts of these brave women – and of women everywhere – who are defending their homelands, their cultures and all life for our shared future.


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Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.



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