Issue Brief: The Achuar and Talisman Energy | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

Issue Brief: The Achuar and Talisman Energy

Indigenous Rights, Justice, and Corporate Accountability in the Peruvian Amazon

April 2012 | Amazon Watch | Report

The Achuar and Talisman Energy

The remote Amazon headwaters along the border of Peru and Ecuador are one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. This remote region, up to a week’s travel by bus, boat and canoe from the capital city of Lima, is home to over 11,000 Achuar indigenous people. As their ancestors have done before them, they hunt, fish, and raise crops in the Corrientes, Pastaza, and Morona river basins.

Today, the Achuar’s way of life and survival is threatened by international oil companies exploring and drilling for oil.

Please contact Gregor MacLennan, Amazon Watch’s Peru Program Coordinator, to learn more about this issue.

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