IACHR Expresses Its Concern For The Situation Of Human Rights In Colombia | Amazon Watch
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IACHR Expresses Its Concern For The Situation Of Human Rights In Colombia

May 2, 2006 | For Immediate Release

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

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Nº 16/06

IACHR expresses Concern about the Human Rights Situation in Colombia.

Washington D.C. –

Excerpt from the Section on Indigenous Peoples:

The violence targeted at indigenous peoples in Colombia was even more severe in 2005, as they continued to be the victims of massacres, selective executions, forced disappearances, forced displacement from their ancestral territories, forced recruitment, loss or contamination of their food sources, food blockades, accusations, and threats to their autonomy. The situation was verified by the IACHR during a visit conducted on June, 2005. In its report the Commission indicated that the constant acts of violence committed against the indigenous communities who ask for respect and protection of their basic rights, threaten not just the lives and safety of their members but their very existence as a people.


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